
Compatibility with MS Outlook, MS Exchange and other email software

Different email software formats messages in different and often incompatible ways. There are several such differences between Mac OS X Mail, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange. If you either send email to people who use Microsoft Outlook, the most common PC email software, or you send messages using a Microsoft Exchange server, you have most likely noticed the issues. Here is how to solve them using Apple Mail and Attachment Tamer:

General Setup

Attachment Tamer will ensure compatibility with other software if the Send messages in compatible format option in the Composing and Sending preferences is activated. Read on for how to prevent specific problems.

Problem 1: You send image attachments. Outlook users cannot extract them from the message.

With Attachment Tamer, attachments that are displayed as icons when composing a message are sent as regular attachments and will be easily accessible in any software. If you want attachments to be always inserted into your messages as icons, go to the Composing and Sending preferences tab and select Insert attachments: As icons. By default they are inserted according to your viewing options.

Problem 2: You want images to be embedded in the message. Users of other email software see ordinary attachments.

With Attachment Tamer's compatible format, any images that are displayed in place when composing a message are sent embedded in HTML, ensuring that the recipient will see them directly in the message.

Note: You need to use the rich text (HTML) message format in order for images to be embedded in HTML layout.

Problem 3: You send messages with various attachments. Outlook users often get extra attachments named ATT000n.xxx (ATT0001.txt, ATT0001.htm, ATT0002.txt, etc.). If you use an Exchange server, all recipients get these superfluous attachments.

The compatible format puts an end to broken messages and the dreaded “ATT000x” attachments: images displayed in place are always embedded in HTML ensuring they will be displayed in place, while other attachments are safely withdrawn from the message layout and placeholder text is inserted at their original locations. Recipients will get both the message text and the attached files intact.

You can freely mix attachments displayed in place and as icons, and you can safely put attachments anywhere in the message. If you have previously configured Apple Mail to automatically place attachments at the end of message for compatibility with Microsoft Outlook and Exchange, you can deactivate the option in the lower part of the Composing and Sending preferences tab. With Attachment Tamer's compatible format, it's no longer necessary.

If your problem is not covered here, try these solutions to common problems.

Advanced Setup

By clicking on the Details button next to the Send messages in compatible format option in the Composing and Sending preferences, you can: